General Secretary

a. Legal Responsibilities

i. To make all kinds of preparations for the timely meeting of the Chamber Council, to make the necessary preparations and works for the organization of the Council’s agenda by the Board of Directors, to ensure that the invitations, agenda and other documents to be deemed necessary are sent to the Council members in a timely manner,

ii. To make all necessary preparations for the meetings of the Commissions selected by the Chamber Council,

iii. Following the submission of the minutes of the meetings taken at the Council meeting to the General Secretary by the Presidency of the Council, to ensure that the decisions taken at the Council meeting are fulfilled,

iv. To prepare the agenda of the meetings of the Board of Directors together with the Chairman of the Board of Directors or deputy chairmen, to send the agenda to the members at least one day before the meeting date, to ensure that all necessary preparations are made for the meetings of the Board of Directors,

v. To follow up and finalize the decisions taken in the Board of Directors and to ensure that the decisions are fulfilled on time,

vi. To submit proposals to the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the resolution of professional conflicts arising or likely to arise between chambers and chambers, exchanges and exchanges and chambers and exchanges,

vii. To ensure unity and solidarity in accounting and transactions and to present possible changes to the Board of Directors,

viii. To take all necessary measures for the timely preparation of the report to be prepared by the Board of Directors on the annual activity of the Chamber to be submitted to the Chamber Council,

ix. Carrying out preparatory work for the report on Turkey’s economic situation and our district that is prepared by the Board of Directors to the Chamber Council,

x. To carry out the necessary studies on the subjects requested by the Ministries, to obtain the approval of the Chairman or Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors regarding the information to be provided to the Ministries,

xi. To prepare the annual income and expense budget of the Chamber together with the Chairman or the Deputy Chairman and the accountant member to be submitted to the Chamber Council,

xii. To provide monthly information to the Board of Directors on monthly expenditures, collection of chamber fees and financial transactions, and to present the balance sheet, income and expense statements and prospectuses in the balance sheet period at the end of the budget period to the approval of the Board of Directors,

xiii. To supervise the staff of all levels as the discipline and registry supervisor of the chamber staff and performing the duties assigned by the Board of Directors and the legislation through the apartments or services established within the chamber,

xiv. To take all kinds of measures necessary for the staff to work efficiently, to supervise their duties during working hours, to ensure that the records are arranged and stored by the personnel service,

xv. To ensure that the works, services and all kinds of tools and equipment to be purchased or to be commissioned in order to perform room services are provided, made, and that the inventory and inventory records are arranged and kept,

xvi. To make sure that the expenditures to be made from the budget of the Chamber are duly made by the inspectors in the Union staff,

xvii. To prepare the fee tariff that the Chamber will charge for its services and to ensure its implementation following the approval of the Board of Directors,

xviii. To ensure cooperation between chambers and exchanges and to organize meetings to improve the professional knowledge of chamber members and staff,

xix. To take necessary measures to eliminate the hesitations to be transferred to the Union in the implementation of the legislation and to inform the relevant institutions,

xx. To ensure the timely presentation of the information and opinions requested by the Union in economic affairs and to organize all kinds of preparations and works by informing the Board of Directors,

xxi. To take all necessary measures to ensure the efficient conduct of business with the International Chamber of Commerce and other Chambers,

xxii. To take all kinds of measures in order to establish cooperation with international organizations with the decision of the Board of Directors,

xxiii. To perform the duties assigned by the legislation and other duties to be assigned by the decisions of the Chamber Assembly and the Board of Directors,

b. System Responsibilities

i. To audit the activities in accordance with the standard conditions established in accordance with the Chamber Quality Management and Accreditation System in its area of responsibility and to report to the senior management the deficiencies in the system,

ii. To contribute to the creation, implementation, control of operational processes, keeping up to date, auditing and continuous improvement of necessary processes in accordance with the requirements of Quality Management and Accreditation System,

iii. To promote the awareness of member focus in the room and to coordinate the necessary activities,

iv. To contribute to the systematic analysis of the reasons of non-compliance in the services offered by the Chamber,

v. To follow the actualization of the quality objectives of the Chamber,

vi. To ensure that member problems are solved and the conditions for eliminating the reasons,

vii. To make the necessary controls and make the necessary services to the members and the public services defined in the scope of the service of the room and to ensure that the service is of the desired quality,

viii. To participate in the Management Review activities, to provide information about the activities,

ix. To take an active role in the preparation of the Strategic Plan,

x. Ensuring the establishment and implementation of the Staff Performance Evaluation System,

xi. The Department is responsible for maintaining quality records, conducting data analysis and reporting results to senior management.

Chairman of the Board
Abdulvahap OLGUN
Abdulvahap OLGUN
Chairman of the Board
Abdulvahap OLGUN
Chairman of the Board


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